
Friday, May 11, 2007

simplify, Simplify, SIMPLIFY ..1 ..2 ..3

Trevor writes:

From this post - MAD 7. It Only Takes 'HALF-A-DOZEN' Things! (extract below) - I am reminded that it is all to easy to fall into the trap of adding unnecessary complexity to ideas, projects, strategies, et al, that should be as simple as ...1 ..2 ..3

Too many people look to make the simple things in life too complex to understand.

Yes, most often it takes only a few things... 1, 2, or 3 things... just a 'half-a-dozen' things to ensure success in most projects.

I am resolving to simplify every idea, project, strategy I have into a 'simple as ..1 ..2 ..3' graphic presentation.

Trevor Nel - 011 - 705-2790 -

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

South Africa: A Nation Of GIVERS

Trevor writes:

Thanks to Malcolm Boyd for alerting us to this document:

Everatt, David & Solanki, Geetesh (2005) A Nation of Givers: Social Giving Among South Africans . PDF

A key finding:

As a nationally representative sample, we can extrapolate these findings to the population as a whole. South African citizens mobilise almost R930m in an average month for development and anti-poverty work.

Found these links to support above and/or open interesting contact links:

1. SANGONet - portal of the Southern African NGO Network

2. Strategy & Tactics - To transform the lives of people living in poverty in Africa. Monitoring is an integral part of performance evaluation, establishing in an ongoing manner how projects are being implemented. S&T has been involved in the design and/or implementation of monitoring systems for key government anti-poverty programmes. Our clients include government, NGOs, international donor agencies, private sector companies and others.

3. The Placement Project, a capacity-building initiative by the Foundation for Professional Development, was launched on the January 1st, 2006, in response to a feasibility study demonstrating that the establishment of a non-profit recruitment agency would help fill the sweeping vacancies in the South African public health care sector. The Placement Project was established to reduce the vacancy rates in the public health sector, increase the general health infrastructure capacity and, thereby, improve access to quality health care service for all uninsured patients.

4. [PDF] Corporations, Community, Private-Public Sector Partnerships (PPPs ...


Trevor Nel - 011 - 705-2790 -

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Toward A Better Understanding Of SOCIAL Entrepreneurship

Found some nice links for research purposes:

1. Toward a better understanding of social entrepreneurship

2. Social Entrepreneurship and Earned-income Strategies: The Next Wave

Neat input, including this:

  • Do it if you have passion about the project. You will not succeed if your heart is not in the venture.
  • Have clarity of purpose: define what success will look like and quantify your goals. Write a business plan for the new venture.
  • Make sure you have "sufficient" resources to succeed: money, time, psychic energy. If you are already wiped out from your job, you will have a hard time finding the extra energy and passion you will need to make the venture successful.
  • You must have personal and organizational commitment and courage to succeed Is your organization ready to take this on? Is everyone on board with the plan?
  • Articulate your organization's core values: does this venture fit in with the list? If not, don't do it.
  • Be focused on the customer.
  • You must have a willingness to plan: do not hesitate to ask for help.
  • Be #1 or #2 in the marketplace, or don't do it at all. Like General Electric, you should plan on being the top player in the marketplace of services for your venture, or you should not bother to do it.
  • Build the right team to carry it out.

3. Social Entrepreneurship Toolbox of Resources - PDF

4. The Nonprofit Environment Has Changed

  • Community needs are growing in size and diversity.
  • More nonprofits are competing for government and philanthropic funds.
  • Traditional forms of funding are becoming smaller and less reliable.
  • New for-profit businesses are competing with nonprofits to serve community needs.
  • Funders and donors are demanding more accountability.

5. Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship

Trevor Nel - 011 - 705-2790 -